Aorii asked a relatively interesting question:
Question for the anibloggers, especially the episodic ones: what drives you to blog? if there’s one style one can identify your blog by (especially from the others), what would it be? what made you choose that style of blogging?
I answered:
While I mostly write about what I usually watch, I only write my thoughts on what I seen in the episode and analyze parts of the episodes I find particularly interesting. I don’t write a full synopsis or dump a lot of screenshots because I feel it’s pointless and I assume most people will already watched it, so I don’t see a point. For editorials, I get my ideas from reading other anime blogs or if something comes up that drives me to write a post… So basically, I take a mixed approach.
For me, I choose to blog about anime for various reasons. First reason is to practice my writing since it’s not the greatest and by writing posts, I can improve on it as times go on. The second reason is to share my passion and thoughts about Anime as a whole. Third and last reason, is the social factor. Sharing your thoughts allows for discussion. In a way, anime blogging has allowed me to network with other bloggers and I have become more open.
From this, I am already thinking about writing an editorial on the social aspects of watching anime and anime blogging with my personal experiences in the coming weeks… It’s something to think about as it’s something important to the Anime Fandom in general.
Of course, there are many answers to this question that are rather interesting, so take a look!
That helped o/
Not sure if it was interesting, more like I asked it because I was having bit of a (not-so-midlife) blogging crisis =x
Its pretty understandable. Sometimes, I find difficulty when it comes to spilling what I want to write about… Even though I blogged a lot last year, I am taking a bit easy and not push too hard and if I don’t feel up to writing, I push the post to the next day or come back to it later. I tend to feel like this when I am writing a detailed review since gathering the overall thoughts about a show or a music single is difficult, which is why some of the reviews are left setting there for months until I finally write about it.
Nevertheless, blogging while it takes amount of effort is a enjoyable experience, especially with an lively discussion and commenting.