If you haven’t known, I started to formally learn (as in self-studing the language) the Japanese Language in effort to become bilingual for job opportunities and that I can understand what they are saying. The progress page is here . It will show my overall progress. It uses some elements of HTML5, so make sure you have a well supported browser like Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Webkit Nightlies(Safari).
Since I have finally mastered Hiragana (ひらがな), I will now include the Japanese text in that format along with the romanized Japanese terms in future posts for those who can’t read it. The only exceptions to this rule is show titles & character names. Furthermore, this rule will only apply to my personal and Anime blog. If I do any guest reviews (music reviews for Anime Instrumentality), it will not follow this rule. This will allow me to practice using these characters so I won’t forget how to read/use them.