Yep, Action 52 is a big piece of shit, but atleast he finally finished the pile of crap. :p
My reasoning on why I’m criticizing Girl’s Dead Monster
There have been a lot of disagreement around my harsh criticism of Girl’s Dead Monster, a frictional band in Angel Beats and the singers, whatherface and LiSA. I am a critic, I have to point out what is good and what its not. This is what a critic does. You don’t have to agree with all my points because everyone have different opinions and tastes in music. This is not an attack on Angel Beats because I enjoy the show and like the story, I just don’t like the way the insert songs are heading.
Even Jun Maeda want to have the high school band feel, it does not work for me. I think he should took more time auditioning and pick out better talent that is not known that can actually sing. If Houkago Tea Time (also a high school band) can pull of a clean performance, why can’t Girl’s Dead Monster? I expect them to be just as good because if they sounded like they are novices, I wouldn’t think they would get many fans. Good talent is what make music sound good, and if you can’t sing, that isn’t good talent. It’s just like watching the first few episodes of American Idol. People think they have good singing talent but when they perform in front of the judge, most of the time, they will get a slap in the face because they sing horribly and have no talent. Same case here… LiSA and whatherface performance was less than impressive and it ruined my overall enjoyment. This is why all these songs are taken off my playlist because I can’t stand anymore of their talentless singing. If they audition to get a recording contract, I’m pretty sure they will get rejected. They got it lucky since they probably got pulled in, but in the real world, I don’t think they will survive with talent like that… It’s reality. Most companies that involve with singing will not hire people who lack talent, so you have to know that.
I’m writing this to respond to people who don’t agree with me. LiSA and marina aren’t horrible, but they just don’t fit the roles they are in by the talent they shown.
Thoughts on iPhone 4
After looking at the liveblogging of the WWDC 2010 Keynote, the new phone looks nice, but I don’t need it. It has the same exact 3G support, but with a better screen, faster processor, a bit better battery, front facing camera and a gyroscope… nothing I really need since I only use my 32GB iPhone 3GS for listening to music, browsing the web, update Twitter/Melative, watch Youtube Video and illegally tether my iPhone via Wifi to my Macbook Pro and iPad ($20 tether charge is a ripoff and its not unlimited). Until my phone breaks, I will keep using my current phone… and if it breaks, I probably get an unlocked Android device so I won’t lose my Unlimited data plan… If I switch services, which I doubt, I will probably get an Android device too unless they have the iPhone…
Can’t wait for iOS 4… and the jailbreak for it. :p
Baka-Raptor beats Hanners’…
Who is the worst blog* now (literally)? Anyways, here is a cake for this triumph!
Good luck on the next round!
* Don’t take it seriously… I was just kidding around since I don’t think Hanner’s is a terrible blog. There are worst blogs out there, but Hanners’ really needs to fix its big banner problem… I mean really. I also voted against you because I liked Baka-Raptor’s humor, even though I don’t agree with him sometimes… but its still funny.
Now that I upgraded Chikorita157’s Anim…
Now that I upgraded Chikorita157’s Anime Blog to Wordpress 3.0 RC2 Nightly, Shiori’s Diary is now managed on the same installation since Wordpress 3.0 has Multisite feature built in (actually a merge of WPMU with WP). I done this so it will be easier to manage both blogs without having to manage two Wordpress installations.
Report any bugs here if you encounter any.
AT&T axing unlimited data plans will start the metered Internet future
AT&T axing the unlimited plan with a 25 dollar plan with a very small cap (2 Gb) had caused many AT&T customers to become outraged and even some ditching AT&T all together to other providers like Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile. I am against their decision even though I am grandfathered to the unlimited plan and I use quite a lot of bandwidth. 2 GB may be enough today, but with video streaming and video chats, this 2 GB won’t go that far. Even with wifi, its nearly impossible to stay connected to a hotspot when you are moving. With 4G coming, do you think these tiered internet service will go away?
Not a chance! It will get even worse with even smaller caps and higher overage costs. Also, Cable Internet and DSL is heading towards the same direction with Time Warner wanting metered Internet last winter. They revealed metered Internet plans in specific areas with outrageously small caps that caused subscribers to be outraged. Another thing is that Time Warner is the only service provided in the area and there was technically no alternative at all. Do you want a metered Internet future where you have to worry about how much videos you see on YouTube, downloading movies and music off legit site, streaming video and video conferencing, tasks that uses a lot of bandwidth… I think most don’t. Metered and tiered Internet stifles innovation and it will hurt businesses like Netflix, Voip providers, streaming video companies like Crunchyroll and others. The Internet should remain accessible as long people are paying a fair price. Not to mention, it doesn’t cost them anything to provide the bandwidth, so they are probably doing it to milk more of the customers on top of the high profits they are generating already.
If you think that Verizon is not going to do the same to the smartphone data plans like AT&T, you are dead wrong. They will and others will follow because you know they are greedy. FCC needs to regulate them to stop these companies from pushing anticompetitive practices that milk the customers with high overage bills. Cell phone providers are already charging outrageous fees for texting that cost them nearly nothing and voice, so why they should further milk the customers with ripoff data plans. It’s true that light users will benefit from it, but habits can change when technological changes occur. If so, get ready to pay extra for your already expensive phone bill.
Also, they need more competition, more competition means that if the Internet company for example forces a metered Internet plans on all the customers, a competitor can come in that provides unlimited Internet plans and take the customers away from the other company. As a result, they won’t put in place these plans. Competition prevents this and I’m sure cable, telecom and cell phone providers could use a bit more competition.
Chikorita157 is destined to marry Fate T…
Chikorita157 is destined to marry Fate T. Harlaown on October 13, 2011 おめでとう^o^/ !! #maiwaifu
Honestly, people have a lot of time on their hands when they were making this thing.
This author made a pretty good point abo…
This author made a pretty good point about Yui-bashing…
I think that the kindest word the critics have used to describe Yui is “airhead” – and not in a particularly affective tone. I mean, this is so wrong. What do they expect? Why can’t a show about friendship be as valid as a show about how power oppresses the individual? What do they want from Yui? Why does everything has to be intellectual? (as well as having a tyrannical link to real life issues, but that’s for another day) I mean, Yui may not be the sharpest tool in the box, but we can’t deny something. She’s a f**king great person. She’s really kind-hearted and caring. Sweet and friendly. Unpretentious and easy-going . Unlike many a critic. But this fact isn’t of course worth their attention.
– Sergio – Source
Keep in mind that it is a show and you shouldn’t get so serious about it. Not only that, I’m sure that there are other people that are worst off then Yui such as people who have learning disabilities. Yui is just a ditzy type of girl, this doesn’t mean she is dumb. What if you were in her shoes and people calling you “airhead,” would you like that? I wouldn’t think so…
Bullying is just wrong. I have dealt with bullying with my life and know how bad it is… Just do a favor, don’t do it or better yet… LEAVE HER ALONE!
Wireless for Android on iPhone 3G now works!
There was a bug on the Android images provided in the original iDroid Package that prevented the phone from going online even though there is a wifi connection. There is a Unofficial Image that fixed the DNS problem. I reuploaded the image to my iPhone 3G via PhoneView and Wifi and internet works…
Atleast the Wifi, Battery Indicator, etc works as the N900 has a long way until these features work on their phone. I still don’t recommend installing Android yet since there is still a lot needs to be done until it becomes usable.
Weighted Companion Cube Fun
With the help of Garry’s Mod…