Opps, I haven’t updated my personal side blog for a while now, but here is something that should hold some for a while. With that, my Windows 8 experiment is over and while the performance was nice, Microsoft forcing people to use the Metro UI and the pointless Start Screen and somewhat buggy (I couldn’t get the internal keyboard detect it as a Japanese keyboard layout since I have one). It’s unusable without installing Start8 to bring back the Windows 7 start menu. With that, I downloaded a copy of Windows 7 Professional from Dreamspark Premium (as I’m still a student) and decided on installing the Japanese version. Compared with Windows 8, I missed the ability to change the system font. But yes, it took hours to reinstall all the games I had, site survey tools and Object Desktop.
Windows 7 Bootcamp
Also spent the time last week downloading and cropping new wallpapers to use in OS X Mountain Lion…
Huh. You sound just like me.
Well, minus using Ubuntu Linux FTW and add Windows.
And minus the OUYA.