Well, I got a bit too over reactive over a misguided article about someone believe that video game consoles are dead. However, I disagree with this tweet below for several seasons:
[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/akirascuro/status/267011175684898816″]
The problem with video game companies completely ditching the hardcore gaming market and focusing only on only casual gaming since Hardcore games drive innovation. While casual games are innovative to a certain extent on using new technology like motion controls and controls, there isn’t really much innovation on gameplay as most of these mobile games are time wasters and limited for the fact that most smartphones and tablets only have touch screens. This is the reason why making Hardcore Games are important as it drives creativity to make games with better gameplay and storyline as they provide an experience that last for hours. For most casual games, they are only played in short period of time, thus the gameplay isn’t as fulfilling.
As for video game companies wanting to abandon the hard-core market is just insane. While casual gaming is here to stay, forgetting about the audience that contributed the raise to gaming is a thing that will hurt them at the end. Not only that, mobile gaming might be a fad since social gaming bubble have already burst. If mobile gaming crashed in the same manner and video game companies stop focusing on the hardcore market, they will also be in big trouble as they will have nothing to fall back on.
As a whole, Video Game companies can’t neglect hard core gamers even if casual gaming is popular as people still want a full experience from a video game. Not only that, casual gamers could become interested in games that give a full experiences and become a hard core gamers themselves.
So in short: Hardcore gaming and console market isn’t dying because of mobile gaming… They can co-exist together as long companies make core video games that have great gameplay, have a creative direction and good story.
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