Not this shit again… The last time it happened, a blog called the Golden Waste back in February 2010 ranted about people not buying R1 Anime releases and subscribing to Crunchyroll. Well, it got criticized and the author eventually deleted the blog forever.
Fast forward to the end of September and another person decides to complain about it. While I agree with supporting the industry, I didn’t like his arguments as it was playing the blame game. The problem is, not everyone has a lot of money, especially college students, thus they only buy series that they like. If you take it even further, you can get into the debate over the intangibility of Crunchyroll, lack of karaoke and the poor quality subs. Believe me, just look at the recent subs of Ika Musume S2 and it’s horrible. I don’t want to waste $10 for poor quality when I could use that money on the actual DVDs.
Rest assured, I buy Anime on occasion when I want to watch a series I’m really interested in or enjoyed a lot. I’m not loaded either and will not buy every DVD on the moon because you said so. Also, I need to use the money for web hosting and stuff not just DVDs.
Besides from that, let the issue rest already. I’m sick of hearing it!
Who is this person you speak of and why should we care. Life is better if you don’t let yourself get worked up over someone’s overstated opinions of something that is sure to set the so called community on fire. Step back from the flames, man.
I only took a glimpse of the post, but the post title is very ironic considering that he is essentially giving a reason to get everyone upset on both sides… That and he has nothing else better to do in his life except rage about something that is completely trivial. It’s just like the whole gridlock in Congress, you just have to not worry about it that much, it’s something out of control.