Our close friend at I Think I’ll Pass finally transitioned his tumblr back to good ol’ WordPress.(original tumblr still open for socializing)
Although tumblr is dead simple for most people, once you want stuff like native commenting, better archives, categories, PuSH, etc, tumblr won’t cut it. This is a reason why I never caught on with Tumblr fully since I am a power user and I am so used to all the extras in WordPress. So much that I wouldn’t give it up for Tumblr.
Also, setting up an extra WordPress blog isn’t really hard nowadays. You’ve got fantastico, WordPress Multisites or perhaps your host have an auto installer for WordPress. So yeah, accessibility isn’t a big deal.
Installing WordPress once you’ve already got a database set up takes like 5 seconds + uploading the files. Edit wp-config to refer to the db you already have, use a different table prefix, go to the site to initiate the instance and set up the admin account… bam.
WordPress is also a powerful CMS… This is a reason I don’t manually code sites anymore since WordPress is easy to set up and use as a website…
Multisites feature is better considering that you can create many sites without having multiple installations. Just disable registrations of creation of new sites and create them through Super Admin. That way, you can use the same plugins and themes and don’t have to worry about updating them for each installation.