I noticed that some people actually microblog about Anime on Twitter… but it’s horrible… Why? 140 character limit and not being able to insert the whole Anime Title, episode and thoughts in one update? There is a better way to microblog Anime per episode. Use Melative. What is it? Melative is:
Melative is a web-application/service which focuses on media (and media contexts). It provides an interface for users to catalog their experiences, interact with titles, and find other users with similar interests. For developers, the API allows a simplistic, RESTful interface to meta-information resources on media-titles, creators, and more. There are many (possibly too many) features and interaction possibilities built into the API, and we are striving to provide interesting new ways in which users may express themselves when it comes to the media they enjoy.
An easy way to get into Anime Microblogging is using MelScrobble/MelscobbleX if you want to Microblog without typing the title and segment of your currently playing Anime or Melative Library if you want to manually manage your library yourself. Both of these applications are easy to set up and use… Just register for a Melative Account, follow some users and start microblogging. It is better solution to liveblog Anime than using Twitter for that, which is just lame.
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