Weak ass arguments*. I am not convinced… People can’t expect a 12 episode series go in depth in character development because there is only 12 episodes to fit the whole story end. Sure, it can be seen as a flaw, but they did a pretty good job in fitting the whole story in 12 episodes. Keep in mind there is 2 bonus episodes that can tie everything back together.
And yes, I’m still tired* after skimming through that weak ass argument and his argument is weakened even more since he didn’t watch the last episode before writing this post.
Notes, yea notes
* You are telling me that Sora no Woto did not deliver, but by telling me that, you are saying that all Original Anime did not deliver compared to Anime adapted from source material. No wonder there are people that keep saying that most anime are “unoriginal and uninspiring.” At least the Anime no Chikara tried in making an original anime, but people write it off because they think it’s a moeblob anime. Give me a fucking break, people shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover… If they are, then they are being an elitist and close minded. Original Anime are supposed to be watch with no expectations and a open mind, but this… made me laugh.
* What you expect… reading a blog post discrediting the series without watching the series in whole makes my blood pressure go up…
Your blood pressure going up has nothing to do with me not watching the series in full and a lot to do with me reitterating Janette's predictions about the end of the series. That doesn't mean that the series was bad or unentertaining, quite the contrary, but the series did not deliver on what I was hoping for at the beginning for its characters. They turned out to be props for progressing the story – a trait commonly appreciated, for me only if appropriate conditions are met – but character development was dismal. You can't expect to develop a slice-of-life story about girls living on the brink of ruin and not make it about their characters. I don't want to further degrade the title with this next statement because its story has substantial merit, but the girls turned out to be downright rehashs of already established moe cliches that contributed nothing monumentally relevant to the story with their personalities.That being said, I liked the series overall. Please don't make me hate it because of rash comments like this.
Well, okay… I went a bit overboard, and I apologize for that… It pretty much bothered me, but if things are okay, then I'm fine. :p
Just to clarify, I didn't delete my blog because of your criticism. Talk about having a huge ego.
I'm sorry about that to because I assumed, but it turned out wrong, anyways, what happen to it? I'm guessing that you decide to move it or something.